Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Final Reflection on overroll learning

Final reflective blog
I remember on the first day of this course when the lecturer asked the class what we thought technology meant, most of the people in our class had similar answers. For us, technology basically meant computers, Cameras, TV and play stations etc. Now coming to the end of this course, my understanding of technology has changed. Today if someone asks me what technology is, I can confidently say that technology can be digital and non-digital, I can further talk about how technology has changed our lives.

Over the last few months we have had a number of speakers who talked about the technology and how it impacts the children and teacher. With all the information I gathered from guest speakers and from class and literature I have now become more knowledgeable of what technology mean. According to Smorti, “technology is about helping people and solving problems” (1999, p.5). I feel this quote defines technology so clearly. This reading has actually helped me lot to seeing technology differently in everything around us. Through this knowledge I am able to provide children with many different opportunities and tools that are used for different things to explore their world. Ministry of Education (1996) states that in order for children to participate in this world they need to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Feedback from my group members on my post was very useful. I can see that we have all learnt a great deal on the subject as we are becoming aware of the many areas of technology that are part of our lives and the difference they make to it. I have been able to learn from other group members and this opportunity may not have been there had there been no blogs. The feedback that I got back from my digital camera blog was very encouraging. All group members’ comment agreeing that cameras are easy to use and that children love to take photos. In response to Jawa’s feedback on my third blog I would say that I have already extend M’s interest on technology by providing him different activities like cooking, play station etc. I have already started using more open ended question to enhance children’s learning through technology. I like Pawan’s suggestion about to make photo album with to M to extend his interest on cameras thank you Pawan. I will encourage and support M to make his digital photo album.

In response to Pawan’s question about what net safety my centre used to keep children safe from internet? We do not have cyber safety policy in my centre. Centre. We have download window live family security system to protect children’s from inappropriate sites and one of the teachers always supervisor children while they are using computers. Our all parents quit happy for their children’s to use computers and access internet in the centre. In response to my first blogs feedback I would love to say thank you to Pawan. I haven’t thought about providing children real phone call experience but I will do if i come across similar situation again.

The use of technology in children’s learning and development is huge. Children need to understand what technology is, the difference between digital and non digital technology and how it is useful to solve problems. Children have started to take in-charge of their own learning with their use of different technologies. I believe that technology prepares children to have a smoother journey in schools and better people in the community. As educator we need to foster both digital and non-digital technology and provide a balance between high technology such as computer, TV and simple technology such as sand pit, blocks.
Through, this course I have realised that technology is part of our everyday lives and our children need to be exposed to it so they can move and keep up with this fast changing world we live. This course provided me opportunities to learn what technology is all about and the importance of it in our everyday life. I did enjoy this course it was a great way to share our thoughts about technology with others. By sharing my experience with my group members I received positive and insightful feedbacks on my use of different technologies with children. From my group members comments I have found many different ways to extend on my use of technologies.

Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki, he whaariki mātauranga mo nga mokopunaĀotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media.
Smorti, S. (1999)Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, Vol 19 Autumn 1999

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